Tutorial ======== This is a basic tutorial for setting up a new project with `Aiopyramid`. Install Aiopyramid and Initialize Project ......................................... It is highly recommended that you use a virtual environment for your project. The tutorial will assume that you are using `virtualenvwrapper`_ with a virtualenv created like so:: mkvirtualenv aiotutorial --python=/path/to/python3.4/interpreter Once you have your tutorial environment active, install ``Aiopyramid``:: pip install aiopyramid This will also install the :ref:`Pyramid ` framework. Now create a new project using the ``aio_websocket`` scaffold. pcreate -s aio_websocket aiotutorial This will make an ``aiotutorial`` directory with the following structure:: . ├── aiotutorial << Our Python package │   ├── __init__.py << main file, contains the app constructor │   ├── templates << directory for storing jinja templates │   │   └── home.jinja2 << template for the example homepage, contains a websocket test │   ├── tests.py << tests module, contains tests for each of our existing views │   └── views.py << views module, contains view callables ├── CHANGES.rst << file for tracking changes to the library ├── development.ini << config file, contains project and server settings ├── MANIFEST.in << manifest file for distributing the project ├── README.rst << readme for bragging about the project └── setup.py << Python module for distributing the package and managing dependencies Let's look at some of these files a little closer. App Constructor ............... The ``aiotutorial/__init__.py`` file contains the constructor for our app. It loads the logging config from the ``development.ini`` config file and sets up Python logging. This is necessary because the logging configuration won't be automatically detected when using Python3. Then, it sets up two routes ``home`` and ``echo`` that we can tie into with our views. Finally, the constructor scans the project for configuration decorators and builds the wsgi callable. The app constructor is the place where we will connect Python libraries to our application and perform other configuration tasks. .. code-block:: python :linenos: import logging.config from pyramid.config import Configurator def main(global_config, **settings): """ This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application. """ # support logging in python3 logging.config.fileConfig( settings['logging.config'], disable_existing_loggers=False ) config = Configurator(settings=settings) config.add_route('home', '/') config.add_route('echo', '/echo') config.scan() return config.make_wsgi_app() .. note:: *Thinking Asynchronously* The app constructor is called once to setup the application, which means that it is a synchronous context. The app is constructed before any requests are served, so it is safe to call blocking code here. Tests ..... The ``aiotutorial/tests.py`` file is a Python module with unittests for each of our views. Let's look at the test case for the home page: .. code-block:: python :linenos: class HomeTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_home_view(self): from .views import home request = testing.DummyRequest() info = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(home(request)) self.assertEqual(info['title'], 'aiotutorial websocket test') Since test runners for unittest expect tests, such as ``test_home_view``, to run synchronously but our home view is a :term:`coroutine`, we need to manually obtain an :mod:`asyncio` event loop and run our view. Line 6 obtains a dummy request from :mod:`pyramid.testing`. We then pass that request to our view and run it on line 7. Finally, line 8 makes assertions about the kind of output we expect from our view. Views ..... This is the brains of our application, the place where decisions about how to respond to a particular :term:`request` are made, and as such this is the place where you will most often start `chaining together coroutines`_ to perform asynchronous tasks. Let's look at each of the example views in turn: .. code-block:: python :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 2,5 @view_config(route_name='home', renderer='aiotutorial:templates/home.jinja2') @asyncio.coroutine def home(request): wait_time = float(request.params.get('sleep', 0.1)) yield from asyncio.sleep(wait_time) return {'title': 'aiotutorial websocket test', 'wait_time': wait_time} For those already familiar with :ref:`Pyramid ` most of this view should require no explanation. The important parts for running asynchronously are lines 2 and 5. The :func:`~pyramid.view.view_config` decorator on line 1 ties this view to the 'home' route declared in the app constructor. It also assigns a :term:`renderer` to the view that will render the data returned into the ``template/home.jinja`` template and return a response to the user. Line 2 wraps the view in a coroutine which differentiates it from a generator or native coroutine. Line 3 is the signature for the coroutine. ``Aiopyramid`` view mappers do not change the two default signarures for views, i.e. views that accept a request and views that accept a context and a request. On line 4, we retrieve a sleep parameter, from the request (the parameter can be either part of the querystring or the body). If the request doesn't include a sleep parameter, the view defaults to 0.1. We don't need to use ``yield from`` because ``request.params.get`` doesn't return a :term:`coroutine` or future. The data for the request exists in memory so retrieving the parameter should be very fast. Line 5 simulates performing some asynchronous task by suspending the coroutine and delegating to another coroutine, :func:`asyncio.sleep`, which uses events to wait for ``wait_time`` seconds. Using ``yield from`` is very important, without it the coroutine would continue without sleeping. Line 6 returns a Python dictionary that will be passed to the jinja2 renderer. The second view accepts a websocket connection: .. code-block:: python :linenos: @view_config(route_name='echo', mapper=WebsocketMapper) @asyncio.coroutine def echo(ws): while True: message = yield from ws.recv() if message is None: break yield from ws.send(message) This view is tied to the 'echo' route from the app constructor. Note that we use a special view mapper for websocket connections. The :class:`aiopyramid.websocket.config.WebsocketMapper` changes the signature of the view to accept a single websocket connection instead of a request. The connection object has three methods for communicating with the :term:`websocket` :meth:`recv`, :meth:`send`, and :meth:`close` that correspond to similar methods in the `websockets`_ library. This websocket view will run echoing the data it recieves until the connection is closed. On line 5 we use ``yield from`` to wait until a message is received. If the message is None, then we know that the websocket has closed and we break the loop to complete the echo coroutine. Otherwise, line 7 simply returns the same message back to the websocket. Very simple. In both cases when we need to perform some io we use ``yield from`` to suspend our coroutine and delegate to another. This kind of explicit yielding is a nice advantage for readability in Python code. It shows us exactly where we are calling asynchronous code. Development.ini ............... The ``development.ini`` file contains the config for the project. Most of these settings could be specified in the app constructor but it makes sense to separate out these values from procedural code. Here is an overview of the two most important sections:: [app:main] use = egg:aiotutorial pyramid.includes = aiopyramid pyramid_jinja2 # for py3 logging.config = %(here)s/development.ini The ``[app:main]`` section contains the settings that will be passed to the app constructor as ``settings``. This is where we include extensions for :ref:`Pyramid ` such as ``Aiopyramid`` and the ``jinja`` templating library. The ``[server:main]`` configures the default server for the project, which in this case is :mod:`gunicorn`:: [server:main] use = egg:gunicorn#main host = port = 6543 worker_class = aiopyramid.gunicorn.worker.AsyncGunicornWorker The ``port`` setting here is the port that we will use to access the application, such as in a browser. The ``worker_class`` is set to the :class:`aiopyramid.gunicorn.worker.AsyncGunicornWorker` because we need to have :mod:`gunicorn` setup the :doc:`Aiopyramid Architecture ` for us. Setup ..... The ``setup.py`` file makes the ``aiotutorial`` package easy to distirbute, and it is also a good way, although not the only good way, to manage dependencies for our project. Lines 18-21 list the Python packages that we need for this project. .. code-block:: python requires = [ 'aiopyramid[gunicorn]', 'pyramid_jinja2', ] Note about View Mappers ....................... The default view mapper that ``Aiopyramid`` sets up when it is included by the application tries to be as robust as possible. It will inspect all of the views that we configure and try to guess whether or not they are :term:`coroutines `. If the view looks like a :term:`coroutine`, in other words if it has a ``yield from`` in it, the framework will treat it as a :term:`coroutine`, otherwise it will assume it is legacy code and will run it in a separate thread to avoid blocking the event loop. This is very important. When using ``Aiopyramid`` view mappers, it is actually not necessary to explicitly decorate :term:`view callables ` with :func:`asyncio.coroutine` as in the examples because the mapper will wrap views that appear to be :term:`coroutines ` for you. It is still good practice to explicitly wrap your views because it facilitates using them in places where a view mapper may not be active, but if you are annoyed by the repetition, then you can skip writing ``@asyncio.coroutine`` before every view as long as you remember what is a :term:`coroutine`. Making Sure it Works .................... The last step in initializing the project is to install out dependencies and test out that the scaffold works as we expect:: python setup.py develop You can also use ``setup.py`` to run unittests:: python setup.py test You should see the following at the end of the output:: test_home_view (aiotutorial.tests.HomeTestCase) ... ok test_echo_view (aiotutorial.tests.WSTest) ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 1.709s OK If you don't like the test output from ``setup.py``, consider using a test runner like `pytest`_. Now try running the server and visiting the homepage:: gunicorn --paste development.ini Open your browser to to see the JavaScript test of the our echo websocket. You should see the following output:: aiotutorial websocket test CONNECTED SENT: Aiopyramid echo test. RESPONSE: Aiopyramid echo test. DISCONNECTED This shows that the websocket is working. If you want to verify that the server is able to handle multiple requests on a single thread, simply open a different browser (to avoid browser connection limitations) and go to The new browser should take roughly ten seconds to load the page because our view is waiting for the value of ``sleep``. However, while that request is ongoing, you can refresh your first browser and see that the server is still able to fulfill requests. Congratulations! You have successfuly setup a highly configurable asynchronous server using ``Aiopyramid``! .. note:: *Extra Credit* If you really want to see the power of asynchronous programming in Python, obtain a copy of `slowloris`_ and run it against your knew ``Aiopyramid`` server and some non-asynchronous server. For example, you could run a simple ``Django`` application with gunicorn. You should see that the ``Aiopyramid`` server is still able to respond to requests whereas the ``Django`` server is bogged down. You could also use a simple PHP application using Apache to see this difference. .. _pytest: http://pytest.org .. _virtualenvwrapper: https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ .. _chaining together coroutines: https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-task.html#example-chain-coroutines .. _websockets: http://aaugustin.github.io/websockets/ .. _slowloris: http://ha.ckers.org/slowloris/