Source code for aiopyramid.websocket.config.uwsgi

import inspect
import asyncio
from contextlib import suppress

import greenlet

from aiopyramid.config import AsyncioMapperBase
from aiopyramid.helpers import run_in_greenlet
from aiopyramid.websocket.exceptions import WebsocketClosed

    import uwsgi
except ImportError:

[docs]def uwsgi_recv_msg(g): g.has_message = True g.switch()
[docs]class UWSGIWebsocket: def __init__(self, back, q_in, q_out): self.back = back self.q_in = q_in self.q_out = q_out = True
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def recv(self): return (yield from self.q_in.get())
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def send(self, message): yield from self.q_out.put(message) self.back.switch()
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def close(self): yield from self.q_in.put(None) self.back.throw(WebsocketClosed)
[docs]class UWSGIWebsocketMapper(AsyncioMapperBase): use_str = True
[docs] def launch_websocket_view(self, view): def websocket_view(context, request): uwsgi.websocket_handshake() this = greenlet.getcurrent() this.has_message = False q_in = asyncio.Queue() q_out = asyncio.Queue() # make socket proxy if inspect.isclass(view): view_callable = view(context, request) else: view_callable = view ws = UWSGIWebsocket(this, q_in, q_out) # start monitoring websocket events asyncio.get_event_loop().add_reader( uwsgi.connection_fd(), uwsgi_recv_msg, this ) # NOTE: don't use synchronize because we aren't waiting # for this future, instead we are using the reader to return # to the child greenlet. future = asyncio.Future() asyncio.ensure_future( run_in_greenlet(this, future, view_callable, ws) ) # switch to open this.parent.switch() while True: if future.done(): if future.exception() is not None: raise WebsocketClosed from future.exception() raise WebsocketClosed # message in if this.has_message: this.has_message = False try: msg = uwsgi.websocket_recv_nb() except OSError: msg = None if UWSGIWebsocketMapper.use_str: with suppress(Exception): print('howdy') msg = bytes.decode(msg) if msg or msg is None: q_in.put_nowait(msg) # message out if not q_out.empty(): msg = q_out.get_nowait() try: uwsgi.websocket_send(msg) except OSError: q_in.put_nowait(None) this.parent.switch() return websocket_view
def __call__(self, view): """ Accepts a view_callable class. """ return self.launch_websocket_view(view)
UWSGIWebsocketMapper.use_str = False